You may first want to check to find out if the business name you have selected is already being used by someone else. Click on DBA Search and enter the County and business name. The search result will tell you if a DBA with that name has already been filed in that County.
To start the application process, click on FILE & PUBLISH DBA and enter the information requested. This information will then be used to complete the appropriate fictitious business name (DBA) form. Our database includes the standard forms for each County Clerk/Recorder ("County") in California. (All forms are in PDF format and require Adobe Reader for viewing. To install, click on the icon below.)
A DBA must be filed with the County before it can be published. Publication must begin within 45 calendar days of the file date.
Once you have finished entering all of the information to complete the form, you will be given a second chance to review it and make any necessary changes. We will also show you the total price for the order. When you indicate the information is correct, you will be asked for your payment information.
If your request is for us to file and publish:
If your request is for us to publish only:
At any time, you may go to to check the status of your order.